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Erev Sukkot: Wednesday, October 16
6:10PM | Candle Lighting

Sukkot, 1st Day: Thursday, October 17
9:30AM | Shacharit with lulav and etrog (In person and LiveStream)
7:08PM | Candle Lighting
7:30PM | Evening Minyan (In Person and LiveStream)

Sukkot, 2nd Day: Friday, October 18
9:30AM | Shacharit with lulav and etrog (In person and LiveStream)
6:07PM | Candle Lighting
6:30PM | Ma'ariv (In person and Zoom)

Chol HaMoed Sukkot: Saturday, October 19
9:30AM | Shacharit no lulav or etrog (In person and LiveStream)
10:30AM | Shabbat Chaverim
approx. 11:45AM | Blessing for New Babies
7:05PM | Shabbat Ends
7:30PM | Sangria in the Sukkah sponsored by Membership Committee

Chol HaMoed Sukkot: Sunday, October 20
9:00AM | Shacharit with lulav and etrog (In person and Zoom)
12:00PM | Sunday Youth Program - S.T.E.M. Sukkah Building Challenge (Grades 4-7)
4:00PM | Men's Club - Tailgate in the Sukkah
7:30PM | Evening Minyan (Zoom)

Chol HaMoed Sukkot: Monday, October 21  
8:00AM | Shacharit with lulav and etrog (In person and Zoom)
5:00PM | Sherman ECC Sukkot Program
7:30PM | Evening Minyan

Chol HaMoed Sukkot: Tuesday, October 22
8:00AM | Shacharit with lulav and etrog (In person and Zoom)
6:15PM | Pizza in the Hut for families with school-aged children

Hoshanah Rabah / Erev Sh'mini Atzeret: Wednesday, October 23
8:00AM | Shacharit with lulav and etrog (In person and Zoom)
6:00PM | Candle Lighting 

Sh'mini Atzeret/Erev Simchat Torah: Thursday, October 24
9:30AM | Shacharit including Yizkor at approx. 10:30AM (In person and LiveStream)
6:59PM | Candle Lighting
7:00PM | Ma’ariv, Hakafot & Dancing with Torahs, special treat for both kids & adults (In person) 

Simchat Torah: Friday, October 25
9:00AM | Shacharit (In person and LiveStream) - Join us to honor Craig Ginsburg, Chatan Torah, and Abby Newburger, Kallat Bereishit
10:15AM (approx.) | Hakafot & Dancing with Torahs (In-person only) and delicious yogurt bar!
10:15AM (approx.) | Families with Young Children are invited to Hakafot & Dancing with the Torahs followed by story time and a special snack with Morah Beth!
5:58PM | Candle Lighting
6:30PM | Kabbalat Shabbat

Click the images below to learn more & register!



Hakafot - Thursday, 10/24:
1. Families with children 5 and younger
2. Families with children Grade K-7
3. Teens (born 2001-2011)
4. Families with connection to the Military (US and/or IDF)
5. Har Shalom Volunteers
6. Families with loved ones living in Israel
7. Teachers and other Jewish Professionals

Hakafot - Friday, 10/25:
1. Families of our Chatan Torah and Kallat Bereishit
2. Synagogue Leaders
3. Sisterhood
4. Men's Club
5. Day School Families
6. Families with loved ones living in Israel
7. Torah Readers and Service Leaders

Wed, March 12 2025 12 Adar 5785