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Social Action / Tikkun Olam

Purpose of SATO is to put our faith into action by reaching out to others through active participation in a variety of projects available to all age groups of our community at Har Shalom.


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In the future, the SATO Committee will offer:

  • Adopt A Shelter—Cordell Place Residence (monthly): Schedule—1/15, 2/21, 3/13 with April, May, September, October, November December dates TBD--all at 5:15-6:30 PM. This is a Bring and Serve project whereby you sign up through Sign Up Genius link specific items. Residence conveniently located at Wisconsin and Cordell Ave in downtown Bethesda. This event geared for ages 6+ and provides SSL credit for those in need. Links to sign up will be posted across various communication methods and platforms approximately 2-3 weeks in advance. [Please post box previously created and log dates above into calendar. Will provide specific Sign Up Genius links 2-3 weeks prior to each date to tie in to calendar, etc. (menus will vary month to month)]

  • Social Justice major initiative—in the planning stages

  • MCPS School Adoption program—Title I school in MOCO. In the planning stages.

  • JCRC (Jewish Community Relations Council) of Greater Washington—look for announcements of relevant activities and programs to be shared on a selective basis. Emphasis will be on fighting Anti-Semitism, Israel, and other Jewish advocacy in the community

  • Jewish Federation of GW—look for announcements of relevant activities and programs to be shared on a selective basis. Emphasis will be on fighting Anti-Semitism, Israel, and other Jewish advocacy in the community

  • B.Changemakers—program through JCC Rockville for age groups 13-18 years old 
    • Over the span of 5 monthly Sunday sessions and two optional coaching sessions, teens will engage in hands-on volunteering at nonprofit partner agency sites in Montgomery County.  With presentations from experts in the field, they will learn about systems of inequality and avenues for advocacy all while building friendships within their cohort. They will finish the program with a greater understanding of how to take action to meet the pressing social needs of vulnerable folks in our community.  Through Jewish teachings around service and social justice they learn how to use their own personal strengths and passions to engage in change making beyond their bar/bat mitzvahs. Sundays--1:00pm-5:00pm January 25; Feb. 25; Mar 17; Apr 21; May 19. More sign up details announced in late Fall.

If you have questions or want to join the SATO Committee, please send an email to or contact John Friedson, chair, at



NEW ACTIVITY -- KindSoups for STUDENTS!  After 3+ years of cooking soup for the food insecure, KindWorks has started a similar program just for students.  Students get together on line from their own kitchens to zoom cook on the first Sunday of each month from 4-5 pm.  Check out the details HEREStudents can earn 1 SSL hour for every 3 quarts of frozen soup made with the group and delivered to others.  A maximum of 3 SSL hours (for 9 quarts) can be earned during any session.

KindSoups involves Har Shalom members in serving local food insecure neighbors by Zoom cooking soup  from their own homes.  We cook from 4-5 pm on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month.  Check the web site for recipes and dates.    

NEW blankets and afghans are needed throughout the year for donation to Comfort Cases, which serves the needs of foster children.  Seven hundred children enter foster care daily, most with only a plastic garbage bag to carry their limited belongings.  Comfort Cases provides new personal items to as many foster children as possible as they are relocated.

NEW and gently used bras, new underwear, and feminine hygiene products are donated to I Support the Girls throughout the year.  These items are provided to homeless girls and women, victims of domestic violence and sex trafficking, and refugees and evacuees affected by natural disasters.

Medical Supplies are always accepted by Har Shalom including health care supplies and equipment, prescription and non-prescription medications (even open and/or expired), bandages, and infant and hygiene products  Before disposing of these items, please remember those in need.   

Please leave donations in the coat closet next to the front desk.  For more information on any of these activities, contact Marj Klein at

September / October: High Holy Day Food Drive
November / December / January: Winter Items
January / February: Pet Collection - new pet toys, unopened food, pet supplies, used towels and FLAT sheets
March / April: Macaroni Groggers & Hametz
May / June / July / August: Cleaning Supplies, Camp & School Supplies


Wed, March 12 2025 12 Adar 5785