Pesach 2022/5782
Pesach Schedule
Candle Lighting and Service Times for The Week of Pesach 2022/5782
Thursday, April 14
Bedikat Hametz (search for hametz)
Friday, April 15 – Fast of the first born; candle lighting 7:28 PM
Fast begins, 5:08 AM
Minyan followed by Siyum Ha-Bekhorim, 8:00 AM (Zoom)
The last time to eat hametz, 10:55AM
The latest time to sell hametz, 12:00 PM
Friday Evening Services, 6:30 PM (Zoom)
First Seder
Saturday, April 16 - Pesach, Day 1; candle lighting after 8:32 PM
Shaharit, 9:30 AM (In person or LiveStream)
Second Seder: no Ma’ariv - begin counting the Omer
Sunday, April 17 – Pesach, Day 2
Shaharit, 9:30 AM (In person or LiveStream)
End of yom tov, 8:30PM
Traditional Ma'ariv, 8:30PM (Zoom) - Count the Omer
Monday, April 18 – hol HaMoed, Pesach Day 3
Shaharit, 8:00 AM (Zoom)
Contemplative Practice, 7:30 PM (Zoom and Facebook Live)
Tuesday, April 19 – Hol HaMoed, Pesach Day 4
Shaharit, 8:00 AM (Zoom)
Contemplative Practice, 7:30 PM (Zoom and Facebook Live)
Wednesday, April 20 – Hol HaMoed, Pesach Day 5
Shaharit, 8:00 AM (Zoom)
Contemplative Practice, 7:30 PM (Zoom and Facebook Live)
Thursday, April 21 – Hol HaMoed, Pesach Day 6;
candle lighting 7:33PM
Shaharit, 8:00 AM (Zoom)
No Contemplative Practice,
Pesach Services, 6:30 PM (In person and Zoom)
Friday April, 22 – Pesach Day 7; candle lighting before 7:34 PM
Shaharit, 9:30 AM (In person or LiveStream)
Friday Night Services, 6:30 PM (In person and Zoom)
Saturday April, 23 – Pesach last day
Shaharit, 9:30 AM (In person or LiveStream)
Yizkor will be recited during services
No Ma’ariv service
End of yom tov, 8:39PM