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Men's Club - Brunch & Speaker

Sunday, March 9, 2025 9 Adar 5785

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Our March 9 , Men's Club  Brunch features Dr. Robert K. Sutton, noted author, historian and lecturer. Dr. Siegel is the author of Stark Mad Abolitionists: Lawrence, Kansas and the Battle Over Slavery in the Civil War Era.  
The book explores the efforts of abolitionists to ensure that the Territory of Kansas would become a free state, focusing on the support of Amos Lawrence, a wealthy businessman in Boston, to the town that bore his name in Lawrence, Kansas. Dr. Sutton tells the story from the perspective of the major players. He shows how John Brown, Reverend Henry Ward Beecher, Sam Houston, and Abraham Lincoln all figure into the story of Lawrence and "Bleeding Kansas.” The story of Amos Lawrence’s eponymous town is part of a bigger story of people who were willing to risk their lives and their fortunes in the ongoing struggle for freedom and equality.
Q&A will follow the presentation. His book will be available for signing and sale after the presentation. 

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